Telemon is a leading-edge technology in telemedicine that is transforming the way healthcare services monitor and manage patients’ health remotely.
This program integrates the latest innovations in certified medical measurement devices to enable accurate and efficient monitoring of vital signs. With an intuitive portal solution and secure data transfer, Telemon provides healthcare professionals with an invaluable tool for early diagnosis and personalized healthcare.
Telemon opens up new possibilities for healthcare institutions and their patients, revolutionizing the prevention, monitoring and response to health conditions. A focus on security and data protection ensures that patients’ personal information remains safe and compliant with the highest standards of data protection. Telemon is not just a product; it is a partner in healthcare delivery that builds on trust, innovation and excellence, all within the borders of the European Union.
Prestigious certifications
Telemon is certified as Class IIa Digital Medical Device (EU QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE No. 2024-MDR/QS-028). Telemon Quality Management System is certified under EN ISO 13485:2016.
It has also received registration in ŠÚKL (The Slovak State Institute for Drug Control) and an American FDA (Food and Drug Administration), which are responsible for the protection of public health and the safety of pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
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Prestížne certifikácie
Telemon je certifikovaný ako Trieda IIa Digital Medical Device (EU QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE No. 2024-MDR/QS-028). Telemon Quality Management System je certifikovaný pod EN ISO 13485:2016
Telemon získal tiež registráciu v ŠÚKL a v americkej FDA (Food and Drug Administration), ktoré sú zodpovedné za ochranu verejného zdravia a bezpečnosť liečiv a zdravotníckych pomôcok.