Depot manager



DepoManager has established itself as a leader in information systems, serving the needs of depositories with precision and expertise.

This sophisticated system is the result of an in-depth knowledge of legislative requirements and a thorough understanding of financial fund management. It offers an integrated solution for asset management, ensures compliance with relevant legal and regulatory standards and provides tools for proactive risk management. Using advanced analytical tools and automated alerts for irregularities, DepoManager ensures that all operations are carried out in accordance with the latest requirements and trends in mutual fund and pension fund management.

General product information:

DepoManager is equipped with a wide range of tools for the analysis and processing of financial data. It offers options for internal and external reporting and seamless integration with other systems. Depo Manager is a comprehensive solution for depositories that helps to simplify and automate processes, enables institutions to manage funds efficiently and ensures compliance with legislative requirements. The implementation of this new version enables rapid modernisation and optimisation of workflows in a short timeframe of 3 to 4 months.

Key strengths of DepoManager include:

  • Increased process automation: significantly reduces the need for manual labour and increases the accuracy and speed of data processing.
  • Bulk and asynchronous processing operations: It allows processing large volumes of data without unnecessary delay and improves multitasking.
  • Enhanced auditing: Provides detailed records of all transactions, facilitating compliance and forensic analysis.
  • Web browser independence: thanks to modern WEB technologies, it allows users to access the system from any device, increasing flexibility and accessibility.
  • Increased application efficiency: Asynchronous processing allows users to continue working without having to wait for operations to complete.
  • Rapid system implementation: the new version of Depot Manager can be deployed and fully functional within 3 to 4 months, which means rapid workflow upgrades.

The main functions of Depo Manager include:

Transaction Management

The system allows you to efficiently record and manage all transactions related to mutual and pension funds.

Portfolio value calculation

Automatically determines the current value of investment portfolios, simplifying asset management.

Asset Analysis

Provides advanced tools to evaluate and analyze the assets held within the funds.

Risk Monitoring

Identifies and highlights potential risks and unacceptable deviations from investment strategies.

User and Permission Management

Umožňuje jednoduché nastavenie a správu oprávnení pre individuálnych používateľov a skupiny.

Unified System Codes

Streamlines workflows with unified reference data and codes for assets and transactions.

Message box for notifications

Provides personalized alerts and transaction messages for each user.

Dashboard with widgets

Provides a quick overview of system status and access to key information and operations through a customizable user interface.

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