Branch application



The AssetManager branch application is developed with the aim of fundamentally modernising and streamlining the work of financial institutions.

AssetManager provides branch staff with an intuitive tool that allows them to maintain a perfect overview and full control over their clients’ assets and transactions. Its user-friendly interface, designed with an emphasis on meeting all regulatory requirements, is an indispensable element in the arsenal of any financial institution focused on uncompromising efficiency and transparency.

General product information:

The AssetManager branch application is an essential tool for modernizing client-service operations within financial institutions. This application serves as a practical complementary platform to the existing system, enabling branch staff to execute a wide range of transactions with a high level of detail and accuracy. It is equipped with tools for quick client registration, document printing with electronic mailing capabilities, and maintains up-to-date records of client assets and transactions. This branch application also streamlines the entry and processing of investment applications and allows for seamless recording of servicing transactions.

Key benefits of the branch application include:

  • Efficiency: the app maximizes worker productivity by automating and simplifying common tasks.
  • MIFID II compliance: The application is designed to meet all legislative requirements and ensure compliance with stringent regulations.
  • Flexibility: It allows processes to be tailored to individual client needs, thereby increasing client satisfaction and work efficiency.
  • Documentation: It offers a complete record and history of client documentation, which improves organisation and access to information.
  • Convenience: Allows branch staff to perform all necessary operations from one location, simplifying their workday.

The main features of the branch application include:

Comprehensive Registration

Provides a simple and fast client registration process with the ability to instantly create and submit documentation.

Clear asset management

Offers a detailed overview of clients’ assets and their transactions, enabling efficient management and monitoring.

Investment Requests

Facilitates requests to purchase units and tracks one-off investments and savings.

Servicing transactions

Manages the administration of additional transactions in clients’ property accounts.

Documentation Center

Maintains all client documentation in digital form for easy access and management.

Are you interested in our services?

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