GSP Platform
A revolutionary platform for developers



The Goldmann Systems Platform is a breakthrough platform designed to accelerate and simplify the application development process. Our platform combines the latest opensource technologies with a wide range of tools to give developers the best background for software development.

Key benefits

Automation and faster release

With automation, advanced tools, components and functionality, the platform reduces the time required to implement changes and allows developers to focus their time primarily on building applications.

Support for automated code quality and vulnerability checking

GSP platform includes automated code quality and vulnerability analysis



A self-service platform where developers can find all the tools they need for agile application development

Who is the GSP platform ideal for?

GSP provides adaptability for different developer needs. However, it is ideal for teams that want to significantly accelerate the development and deployment of their applications. Whether you’re working on internal projects or looking for a commercial deployment solution, GSP Platform provides the tools and flexibility. And you’ll need these to succeed. We open the door to limitless possibilities with our wide range of open source tools.

Investing in the future

After three years of intensive development, GSP is becoming synonymous with efficiency and will be one of the leading modern development platforms. We’ve dedicated this time not only to the development and evolution of platform services, but also to creating a robust ecosystem that supports the needs of development teams – from automation to high standards of security. Our platform is designed to meet the needs of a variety of developers – from startups to large corporations. With GSP, teams gain access to tools that transform the way they work, increase productivity, and enable more efficient project delivery.

Join our revolution in application development and discover a faster, more efficient path to realizing your vision with Goldmann Systems.

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